Tuesday, January 18, 2011

In My Head Today: Eleven is Waiting

Homeland - "Baby Anton" (Anton Alfred Newcombe)
For the record, I got the "Baby Anton" quote from Anton's own introduction to the song on his UStream channel, DeadTV.  If you have not checked out DeadTV, do it N.O.W. It defies description, but it is thought-provoking, riveting, entertaining, and there's a lot of great music being played.


  Homeland - Eleven Is Waiting
- Watch more Videos at Vodpod.

This song is new to me. Just heard it today for the first time. It's an old song by Anton Newcombe (of Brian Jonestown Massacre), made prior to BJM. So that's a long time ago. And it's soooooo much better than 100% of the crap you hear on the radio today. From over 20 years ago!

I am not sure who did the animation, but it's a beautiful match.

What interests me about this song (today) is that it speaks to my heart, and yet I don't have a clue what the words are yet. I tend to listen to music in an obsessive, repetitive fashion, in order to understand the lyrics. (doesn't always work, mind you....) Sometimes, though, the vibe is there before the lyrics. It reminds me that music is speaking to the unconscious in us. It's more than a cerebral exercise, you know? Music is part of your SOUL people!

Maybe that explains why music changes people's mood so much. "Music hath powers to soothe the savage beast" and all that. Without stereotyping people, I'll speak from my own heart and experience. Most of the songs I've posted here in the past are mood-altering substances for me. Nine Inch Nails will put me in a very specific mood - or enhance what's sitting just below the surface. My Bloody Valentine does the same thing.

Here's another one that alters my mood tremendously:

This one speaks to my fucked-up inner 15 year old.

Well, life calls and that's all I've got time to say today.

Eleven is Waiting.